Site News

February Update

Posted 6 days ago :: Last edited 6 days ago by puresilverAg

Happy February, folks! I hope you all are staying safe as possible, and taking care of you.

February is a time of love, and of fun, and plenty to celebrate! There's all sorts of good relationships to celebrate, be they friendships, romance, family love, even self care and health - and Necrobies love to celebrate, well, love! There's plenty of love to be thankful for and celebrate in the Archiplushago. Celebrations range based on the cultures Bies grew up in, so you might see all sorts of celebrations or decorations, and while cards may be sent, there is no one way to celebrate love.

This has only been encouraged by the discovery of the newest Stitchwitch, Charger!

Specializing in Techrobie care and popculture references and inspiration, Charger has joined those caring for Necrobies and works to keep all settlements in contact with the Archiplushago. Get to know them on their page, and offer them a hand in the February event, which offers Valentickets to be traded for prizes at a store opening later this month celebrating Techrobies



As work plugs forward on the site, I hope to keep bringing more fun and experiences to the site, and to the community! I'm working with my coder to plan for more, so please look forward to more prompts and ideas going forward.

A quick note! When submitting prompts, be sure to submit to the gallery here on site first - this makes it so that your art/writing is always accessible to be mod-reviewed and quickly approved! There've been a few issues where permissions on sites like TH or dA make it difficulty to assess or see the creations in order to award the appropriate prompt rewards. Submitting on site will also let you link to the Bie that you've featured! 
Also - per request, the Watermark has been changed! The new watermark is less obtrusive so it will hopefully make further submissions and references much easier to use. Thank you for the feedback on that!

Don't forget to check out our Affiliates! There are many fun times to be had and creative ways to enjoy!

Thank you so much! I look forward to bringing you more in the future!



Posted 4 months ago :: Last edited 4 months ago by puresilverAg

Goodness gracious, I almost can't believe it's finally here - but after nearly a year of work and love put in by myself and my fantastic mod team, as well as hard work from our resident coder xBelial - Necrobies is open to the public! 

It has been a long rough road getting here, and while we'll continue to get things going just right - I am so excited to let you all in and start having a lot of fun! This species means a lot to me, and since I took it over last year, I have been working towards making it more accessible, more fun, and more rewarding to allow a creative world in which people can play and write/draw/make together! I am ever grateful to the amazing support I've had from the moderators - I couldn't have done it without them!

Please enjoy Necrobies!! Report any bugs you find! Look forward to storylines you can participate in, events to run, engagement - all sorts of plans! Let us run this game and make it fun and interactive for us all! 

There is a small Halloween event in a two-part prompt running this Oct as we get things up and moving - please don't miss out, as you have the chance to get some cool items and a MYO kit! 

I can't wait to see what the future has in store for us as a community! And from the bottom of my heart, thank you for all your patience, kindness, and passion. I hope to pay it back in spades! 

Azuca Welcomes You!

~ Pure ~